In the fall of 2008, Pastor Rob asked several of the Norwalk area pastors to meet together on a monthly basis to pray for each other and for our community. One year later, in October of 2009, the churches worked together to host a community youth outreach event. Over 300 youth and adults attended the event with several making professions of faith in Christ.
With the success of the outreach event, the pastors began to discuss what it would look like if a formal partnership were forged for the purpose of lifting up Jesus Christ through His people in our city. The pastors reached out to a national ministry, Mission America, for help in assisting them in building this new alliance. Mission America specializes in assisting city spiritual leaders in coming together for the sake of bringing glory to God through an initiative called, LC2C or Loving Our Communities to Christ. LC2C city leaders must agree to a mutual understanding of the Gospel and the Scriptures by signing a document called The Lausanne Covenant.
In January 2010, the pastors began meeting on a weekly basis for discussion, prayer & mutual support. In March, a gathering of leaders representing all five churches met for the very first time to learn more about LC2C and to discuss the possibility of forming a similar initiative here in Norwalk under the guidance of Mission America. In April, the leadership teams of all five churches individually approached this new partnership, and Norwalk officially became an LC2C city under the name The ACTS Network.
In September 2010, the churches held their first joint worship service in the Norwalk High School gym. The service was called, "A Night to Imagine". For the first time, the congregates from the five churches witnessed their pastors publicly supporting one another and expressing commitment to each other for the cause of Christ. The service concluded with everyone praying in small groups for God to pour out His Spirit on our city and upon His Church. Out of this first service came a new understanding of unity and the desire to continue to pursue ongoing strategies to be used by God to bring spiritual transformation to Norwalk and beyond in His timing.