Sunday Bulletin

Easy Weekly Access to Body Life Information & Ways to Connect


Welcome! We strive to be Christ-centered, Bible-based, and Spirit-led as we gather together.

We'd love to connect with you! Please fill out the brief "Guest Connect Info" form so we know how to best serve you.

Welcome to Fellowship!

Sunday, February 23rd - 8:30 & 10:30am

Guest Speaker Mike Shields, EFCA Central District Superintendent - "Living in the Flow of the Gospel"

In-Person & Online on our Website or on our App.

Father Son Getaway

Wednesday, June 11th - Saturday, June 14th, 2025

Our annual Father Son Getaway is open to all men, not just fathers and sons! Consider joining us this year as we trek north to Timber Bay Camp & Retreat Center in Onamia, Minnesota! Activity Options include Fishing, Boating, Kayaking, Biking, Swimming, Basketball, Volleyball, and Golf. Cost is $225 for students and $250 for adults. Tap the picture above for more details and to register!
Registration Deadline: Sunday, May 4th

Pure Desire: Parent Training Course

Beginning TONIGHT! Sunday, February 23rd

In this FREE 5-week course, we will provide 10 principles, practical tools, and life experiences to equip parents to have conversations with their kids about sex. You'll hear from experts, parents, and more - those who know the positive impact it can have on children when they're raised in an environment where conversations about sex and healthy sexuality happen with grace and confidence. It's not about having a one-time conversation. It's about equipping parents to create a safe place to have an ongoing, open-ended conversation with their kids about sex and healthy sexuality. Please register through tapping the image above.

Men's Breakfast

Saturday, March 8th, 7:30am

Our next Men’s Breakfast is coming up on Saturday, March 8th, and we're excited to welcome Eddie Passmore to present God's Word to us, while also enjoying fellowship over a delicious breakfast. 

Praise & Prayer Service

Sunday, March 16th, 6:00pm

Mark your calendars now for our Praise & Prayer Service on Sunday evening, March 16th. We can't think of a better way to kick off Norwalk's spring break week than to gather together as a church family in prayer!

Marriage Retreat

Friday - Sunday, April 4th - 6th
Des Moines Marriott Downtown

Great marriages don't just happen. FamilyLife's "Weekend to Remember" is a marriage getaway that has equipped over 1.5 million couples with practical tools and resources. Don't just survive, discover a marriage that thrives. Register with our group name, "Fellowship!" by tapping the image above.

Interested in Baptism?

Interest in learning more about baptism? Tap the image above to let us know and one of our pastors will reach out!

Lunch on Us

Sunday, March 9th, following the 10:30 Service

Are you newer to Fellowship? Then we invite you to Lunch on Us! This informal gathering with Pastor Rob and his wife, Lisa, will help us all get to know each other better and you'll have opportunities to ask any questions about Fellowship you may have while enjoying a meal together. Tap the image above to sign-up today!

Membership Lunch

Upcoming date TBD

If you are interested in learning more about Fellowship Community Church and would like to pursue church membership, then we invite you to sign up for our next Membership Lunch. Stay tuned as we'll announce the date of the next lunch soon!

Calendar At A Glance

23rd: Pure Desire: Parent Training Course, 5pm
27th-March 1st: Women's Summit at Hidden Acres 
2nd: Pure Desire: Parent Training Course, 5pm
8th: Men's Breakfast with Eddie Passmore, 7:30am
9th: Fellowship Students Thrive Night
9th: Pure Desire: Parent Training Course, 5pm
14th-15th: Ignite Youth Leadership Conference
16th: Pure Desire: Parent Training Course, 5pm
16th: Praise & Prayer Service, 6pm
19th: No Awana, Spring Break
20th-22nd: Sportsmen's Retreat at Hidden Acres
21st: Fellowship Students Friday Frenzy
23rd: Pure Desire: Parent Training Course, 5pm
29th: Mexico Movie Night Fundraiser, 5pm 



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