Sunday Bulletin

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Welcome! We strive to be Christ-centered, Bible-based, and Spirit-led as we gather together.

We'd love to connect with you! Please fill out the brief "Guest Connect Info" form so we know how to best serve you.

Welcome to Fellowship!

Sunday, March 30th - 8:30 & 10:30am

Pastor Rob Jones - "Jesus' Last Days" - Part 1

In-Person & Online on our Website or on our App.

The Chosen: Last Supper - Part Two

Monday, April 7th, 7:00pm
Jordan Creek Theaters, West Des Moines

Fellowship Community Church has reserved a theater for an exclusive showing of The Chosen: Last Supper - Part TWO. View this dramatic depiction of Jesus' last days together with your church family! Please register through the online form linked in the image above or call the church office to hold and pay for your tickets. Tickets are first come, first served, so don't delay!

The Chosen: Last Supper - Part Three

Monday, April 14th, 7:00pm
Jordan Creek Theaters, West Des Moines

Fellowship Community Church has reserved a theater for an exclusive showing of The Chosen: Last Supper - Part THREE. We also want to encourage you to invite anyone you know to join us at this showing. What a great way to introduce someone to the Lord! Please register through the online form linked in the image above or call the church office to hold and pay for your tickets. Tickets are first come, first served, so don't delay!

Marriage Retreat

Friday - Sunday, April 4th - 6th
Des Moines Marriott Downtown

Great marriages don't just happen. FamilyLife's "Weekend to Remember" is a marriage getaway that has equipped over 1.5 million couples with practical tools and resources. Don't just survive, discover a marriage that thrives. Register with our group name, "Fellowship!" by tapping the image above.

Spaghetti Dinner & Dessert Auction

Sunday, April 13th, 6:00pm

Come on out and support the Mexico Missions Team at their Annual Spaghetti Dinner & Dessert Auction Fundraiser! Dinner is $6/person with a $25 option for families of 5 people or more. All proceeds will go to covering our team's trip expenses and house-building costs. If you'd like to donate a dessert for the auction, please sign up online by tapping the image above.

Young Adults Worship Night

Monday, April 7th, 7:00pm

 Are you between the ages of 18-30? Then our Young Adult Worship Nights are designed just for you! Gather together with fellow believers for time spent in worship through song, small group breakout sessions, and valuable teaching from God's Word.

Young Adults: Secret Church

Friday, April 11th, 6pm to 12am (Doors open at 5:30pm)

Join other young adults at Walnut Creek Church for a 6-hour deep dive as we walk step-by-step through the Gospel of Matthew, plus pray and support the church in Indonesia, North Korea, Myanmar, and other hard-to-reach places. You'll be encouraged to make your life count for what matters most by following Jesus and making him known in your neighborhood and among all nations. Please register through the form linked in the image above by April 4th.

Easter Sunrise Praise & Prayer Service

Sunday, April 20th, 7:00-7:40am

Start the Easter celebration with praise and worship at our Sunrise Praise & Prayer Service! We'll conclude just in time to enjoy the fresh breakfast. 

Easter at Fellowship

Friday, April 18th, 7:00 pm
Sunday, April 20th, 8:30 & 10:30 am 

(3 Identical Services)

  • Come Early for Breakfast! Served from 7:45 - 8:20am & 9:45 - 10:20am
  • Special Easter Activities for K - 5th Grade
  • Quality Childcare PreK & Under
  • Baptisms (Interested in being baptized? Contact us!)
  • We're excited to include a choir as a part of our Easter Services this year, and we're looking for people to lend their voices in uplifting praise to our risen Lord! Let us know if you'd like to join the choir by tapping the image above and signing up!

Lunch on Us

Sunday, April 6th, following the 10:30 Service

Are you newer to Fellowship? Then we invite you to Lunch on Us! This informal gathering with Pastor Rob and his wife, Lisa, will help us all get to know each other better and you'll have opportunities to ask any questions about Fellowship you may have while enjoying a meal together. Tap the image above to sign-up today!

Membership Class

Sunday, May 4th, following the 10:30 Service - 2:30pm

If you are interested in learning more about Fellowship Community Church and would like to pursue church membership, then we invite you to sign up for our next Membership Class. Lunch is provided, so please be sure to sign up. Tap the image above to register today!

Calendar At A Glance

4th-6th: Weekend to Remember Marriage Retreat
5th: Men's Basketball, 9am
7th: Young Adults Worship Night, 7pm
12th: Men's Basketball, 9am
13th: Mexico Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser, 6pm
18th: Easter at Fellowship, 7pm
20th: Easter at Fellowship, 8:30 & 10:30am
25th-26th: Just You & Me Mom at Hidden Acres
26th: Spring Spruce Up, 9am
27th: Guest Speaker Daniel Henderson
27th: Baby & Family Dedication Class, 4pm
27th: Praise & Prayer Service with Daniel Henderson, 6pm
30th: Awana Awards Night, 6:30pm
1st: National Day of Prayer
2nd-4th: Spring Blaze (4th-6th grade) at Hidden Acres
4th: Membership Class, 12:30pm
5th: Young Adults Worship Night, 7pm
9th-10th: Just You & Me Dad at Hidden Acres
11th: Mother's Day at Fellowship, Church Directory Photos
13th & 14th: Senior Saints Day at Hidden Acres
18th: Next Generation Sunday
25th: 10:30 Service Only
26th: Church Office Closed, Memorial Day



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