40 Days To A More Generous Life: Part 3

Mar 2, 2025    Pastor Rob Jones

Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give, than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Since this is true, there is going to be a whole lot of blessings that are going to be showered down on our church family in the coming weeks as we begin our 40 Days to a More Generous Life Emphasis on Sunday, February 9th. In addition to learning more about God’s upside-down economy of generosity in the Scriptures, we are embarking on a journey of putting His love into action in practical ways all throughout our city and area through Pay-it-Forward acts of kindness and generosity. There’s absolutely NOTHING more enjoyable than being used by God to bless others and together we are going to see how many people together we can bless over this 40-day period. So be prepared to be blessed in ways you never thought possible as we put the words of Jesus into action all around us.