Spencer & Cassidy: Mexico Caravan Ministries
Anniversary: July 8th
Birthdays: Spencer 4/5 | Cassidy 5/11
Spencer and Cassidy grew up in Christian homes attending church and the usual activities. Spencer was given his passion for missions after several short term missions trips led him to be an intern for a year at Mexico Caravan Ministries and he also served in Lesotho, Africa for 9 months. God has changed the direction of His life and sent him down a path towards full-time mission work. Cassidy’s grandparents and parents served on the mission field so she has had an interest in missions from a young age. Because both Spencer and Cassidy had a heart for the world prior to meeting one another in college (Grace University), their shared love of missions was what initially drew them together. Spencer and Cassidy served as the Youth & Missions Pastor at Fellowship Community Church before becoming the Daily Operations Directors at Mexico Caravan Ministries.